Using The Continuum Theory in Counseling and Human Development

The session you are about to view was a coaching session with one my interns. Her background was psychology and she was very interested in my Continuum Theory and its application to psychotherapy. The issue she presented was her relationship with a person she always believed was her best friend, but now there was minimal contact. Her friend did not return her calls, text, even personal messages she sent through others. It was very painful and she just wanted to hear from the lips of this person that, in fact the relationship was over.

As you follow the session look for the following;
1) I asked her what she was aware of,
2) What her vision was (her goal in this relationship)
3) What she would want to communicate to this person, and finally
4) How should she use loving behavior

What did Jennifer come to realize?
What do you think the results were? (If you would like to know the end of this story e-mail, and put FRIENDSHIP in the subject line)

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